Has anyone ever said something
unkind to you or about you? I think we all have had that experience. Becoming
victims of slander or malicious gossip can be difficult to bear. However, God
calls us to exhibit a very specific kind of response in such circumstances.
Years ago, I received a letter
from a friend of mine who was a pastor at a church in California. In it, the
pastor included a copy of an article that had appeared in the Los Angeles Times.
Although the article included a photo of him standing in his church and holding
his Bible, it was basically a vicious personal attack against him.
When I saw that picture and read
that article, I felt a great deal of empathy for my friend because I had
recently had a similar experience. A person I believed was my friend made
some very unkind statements about me publicly. My feelings basically
vacillated between despondency and anger, even though I knew I needed to respond
with joy (Matt.
I believe the greatest book
ever written about the virtue of love in the Christian life is Jonathan
Edwards’ classic Charity
and Its Fruits. In this book, Edwards included a chapter on how
we are to respond to false charges. There, he makes the biblical point that such
attacks should not surprise us; rather, we should expect them:
Men that have
their spirits heated and enraged and rising in bitter resentment when they are
injured act as if they thought some strange thing had happened to them. Whereas
they are very foolish in so thinking for it is no strange thing at all but
only what was to be expected in a world like this. They therefore do not
act wisely that allow their spirits to be ruffled by the injuries they suffer.
Edwards’ point is that if the
Christian expects to be slandered and keeps his eyes focused on God when it
happens, he will not be depressed over it.
Edwards reinforces the concept
that other human beings can harm only my worldly pleasure. A person can injure
my body, steal my money, or even destroy my reputation. However, all of
these things have to do only with the cares and pleasures of this world.
But we have an inheritance that is laid up in heaven, a treasure no one can
steal or defile (1 Peter 1:4). It is protected by the Lord
We might be tempted to think that
Edwards was a spiritual giant who could handle personal attacks with ease,
while we are “ordinary” believers. How, then, can we not be distressed when we
are hurt by people we thought were our friends? Yet while it is true that it is
part of our human nature to respond to personal attacks with sadness, anger,
or bitterness, these feelings are part of our fallen humanity. They are
not fruits of the Holy Spirit. This means that Edwards, as great a saint as he
was, was not calling “ordinary” Christians to do anything extraordinary. We
are all called to bear our injuries with joy, patience, love, and gentleness.
This kind of response is
required of all of us because the Christian life is about the imitation of
Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). We are being molded into His
image, so we are to strive to live as He lived. Our Lord was slandered and
falsely accused of all kinds of offenses, but He opened not His mouth in
protest (Isa.
Like a lamb, He accepted these vitriolic attacks, and, in the very moment of
His passion, He prayed for the forgiveness of those who were attacking Him (Luke 23:34). This is how we are called to
react to our enemies (1 Peter 4:13). Therefore, every false
accusation, every slander, every ill word spoken about me is an opportunity for
me to grow in my sanctification.
Edwards helped me see that I had
allowed my soul to become distressed, and that was sin. Instead of seeing
the attack on me as an occasion to imitate Christ and to grow in my
sanctification, I had resisted God’s Spirit, who had brought this painful
event into my life for my edification, that I might remember where my
treasure is.
The key to
responding to attacks and insults as Christ would is to nurture love for God.
Edwards writes:
“As love to
God prevails, it tends to set persons above human injuries, in this sense, that
the more they love God the more they will place all their happiness in him.
They will look to God as their all and seek their happiness in portion in his
favor, and thus not in the allotments of his providence alone. The more they
love God, the less they set their hearts on their worldly interests, which are
all that their enemies can touch.”
We need to keep Edwards’ insight
in mind as we deal with the inevitable attacks and insults that come our way in
this life.
- by Dr. R.C. Sproul
Boa noite meu tesouro.
ResponderEliminarEntão hoje ainda tiveste tempo de postar, uma coisa linda, em, "DEUS É AMOR? escreveste em Inglês. Mas andei ás voltas com o tradutor, e deu para ver,que é um belíssimo texto, sobre calunias, e como devemos proceder. Aprendi muito... Embora pense que se escrevesses em Português, talvez aprendesse muito mais.
Faz um sono reparador.............
Tua irmã mais velha